Dyslexia is a learning disability.
LEARNING Disabilities-
- A symptom that a person is not able to perform his/her inner core to the outer world.
- Can be seen before 10 years of age and can be cured under right mentorship and if not then leads to :-
When we leave our needs behind due to the society benchmarks.
When this distance increases it leads to
Affects individuals by society’s behavior.
Leading to
- Shattering of Confidence
- Loneliness or Emptiness
- Aggression ( if intra or GMS is high)
- Suppression ( if intra or GMS is low)
- Become stubborn and Fussy attitude.
Reaction of Family Members
- Not able to accept the fact.
- Why Us?
- What Next?
- Comparison
- Parents socially keep distance
- ** Parents become over protective ( which is very harmful)
This over protection leads to PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER or MENTAL DISORDER.
- ** Parents become over protective ( which is very harmful)
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyscalculia
- Processing Disorder( 4 Versions) LEXIA- WORDS
Symptoms of Dyslexia
- Difficulty in learning letters or alphabets.
Reason:- low Expressions and Observations.
- Difficulty in learning letters or alphabets.
- Jumbling of words, Confusions with Right-Left, Before-After
Reason: Low Imaginations and Interpretations.
High possibilities of Reverses.
- Jumbling of words, Confusions with Right-Left, Before-After
- Pronouncing words .
Reason- Very less or No expression and weak observations
- Pronouncing words .
- Difficulty in differentiating the sound of similar alphabets. Like b-d / d-t etc.
Reason- Weak Musical, low on emotions, logics are higher than emotions.
- Difficulty in differentiating the sound of similar alphabets. Like b-d / d-t etc.
- Slow and Laborious oral reading.
Reason – Low expression, observation, imagination and FMS.
- Slow and Laborious oral reading.
- Difficulty in expressing ideas on paper.
Reason- Very low FMS, image conscious ( high intra), reverse whorls.
- Difficulty in expressing ideas on paper.
**So majorly we can see that in Dyslexia
Expression, Interpretation, Imagination and Observation is Low.
- Difficulty with basic math like. Addition and subtraction.
Reason- Very low logics. If the logics are less than 6 no. If a person has Fussy patterns like reverse ,spiral, double loop, whorls, peacock then will develop in dyscalculia .
- Difficulty with basic math like. Addition and subtraction.
- Poor understanding of math signs and symbols. Like (+ – × ÷)
Reason- Poor Imagination
Low Visual Spatial Intelligence.
- Poor understanding of math signs and symbols. Like (+ – × ÷)
- Understanding of TIME TABLES / TIMELINES. They are not Multi Taskers ( spirals, double loop)
They are excessive thinkers. Time Table is must for them so that they know what is their next step.
- Understanding of TIME TABLES / TIMELINES. They are not Multi Taskers ( spirals, double loop)
- Poor Mental Arithmetic Skills – (Math with Formulas) They can be good in abacus but not Formula.
Reason- Imaginations are high. Logics are Poor.
- Poor Mental Arithmetic Skills – (Math with Formulas) They can be good in abacus but not Formula.
- Inability to keep score during games.
Reason- Poor Logics.
- Inability to keep score during games.
- Poor Sense of Direction even with Compass
Reason : Low Imaginations
- Poor Sense of Direction even with Compass
*NOTE- In rare cases these Symptoms may lead to phobia of mathematics or mathematical device’s, only in those cases where there ate reverse whorls on logics, Imagination, observation or Interpretation.